Thank you for your support!

Together, we can make sure that stories like Dresden 1957 are never forgotten.

Thanks to your generous support, we will be able to continue our work on this documentary.
Here are some photos of our work so far:

The victims of the Dresden cave-in were all recent Dutch immigrants. Although event was national news at the time, today the story has disappeared completely.

Eric Philpott and Pawel Kacprzak at the Dresden victims' graves in Aylmer, Ontario.

Joseph Crawford during interview with Mary Jane Zubick, whose grandfather, Jan Bremer, died in the Dresden cave-in.

Interviewing Bill Clark in the old pumping station in Dresden, Ontario.

Keith Philpott was the site engineer in Dresden. The discovery of his diaries kicked off this documentary film project.

Keith Philpott took this photo during construction of the water treatment plant. Harry Okkema (L) is only survivor of the original Dresden work crew.

Pawel Kacprzak filming inside the old water treatment plant today.

This 1951 Meteor, is the same model and colour as the car that the Hovius family bought in 1957, a few months before their father and oldest brother died in Dresden.

Eric Philpott in the Dresden public library. Telling a lost story requires a lot of research!

Joe and Pawel setting up for a sunset shot near London, Ontario.

Senior editor Joseph Crawford reviewing footage after a shoot.

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