Help us make this film

Because stories like Dresden 1957 should never be forgotten.

We acknowledge and thank all of our supporters. If you prefer to remain anonymous, we will not use your name.

Questions? Scroll down to for our FAQ.

The last known photo of the Dresden work crew, taken two hours before the fatal cave-in.

FAQ: Fundraising for Dresden 1957

Why are you asking for support?

Making a feature film is a major undertaking. Your contribution buys us time to work on this film, and on securing the rest of the funding we will need to complete it.

Why the urgency?

The Dresden cave-in happened 67 years ago and the people in this story are now in their 70s, 80s, and 90s. We’ve already lost one of them, and we hope to complete this film soon enough that all the others can see it

How much should I contribute?

Previous contributions have ranged from $25 to over $5,000. Contributions over $2,500 will be acknowledged in the film credits (either by name or anonymously).

What if I have already contributed?

If you contributed to our first crowdfunding campaign, thank you! Please share the link to this page on Facebook or share it with other people who might want to help out:

Where will the rest of the funding come from?

We are approaching a range of media funds and grant programs, as well as broadcasters and potential distributors. If you are connected with an organizations or individuals whom we should speak with, please let us know!

Didn't you just run a crowdfunding campaign?

Yes, we did! In June 2024, thanks to 128 supporters we successfully raised $78,000 which allowed us to finish filming this summer.

How far along is this project?

We are almost halfway We have completed production (e.g. filming) and have shot almost 40 interviews, filmed locations in beautiful Southwestern Ontario, and collected hundreds of archival materials (footage, photos, letters, and documents). We are now starting on post-production (editing, 3D models, voiceovers, sound design, music, graphics etc.)

How much will it cost to make Dresden 1957?

Our total production budget is $500,000. We’ve already raised almost half that amount: over $120,000 of our own money (time, travel costs, and equipment) and through the support of people like you, who contributed $78,000 to our first crowdfunding campaign in June 2024. Thanks to those supporters, we were able to hire a cinematographer and complete the production phase of this project.

How can I contact you?

If you have questions or suggestions, please send us a message on our Contact page.

How much are you trying to raise?

We hope to raise $32,000 by January 30, 2025.

When will Dresden 1957 be completed?

We're doing everything we can to finish this film in 2025, but that will depend on funding.