Press coverage for "Dresden 1957"
News article in London Free Press and Chatham Daily News

A few weeks ago I spoke with Trevor Terfloth, a journalist with the Chatham Daily News, about our documentary project. I was delighted today to see a long article today, published today in the print editions of the Chatham Daily News and in the London Free Press.
The article describes the element of urgency in this project. That's because we're making this film at the last possible moment, when people affected by the tragedy are still alive to tell us about it. Also, I very much want the families of these men to be able to see this film. Of course, I want everyone to see the film but I feel especially for these families who have been alone in their sorrow for decades. By making this film we can make sure this story is told, for them, their children and grandchildren, and for all of us.
Our thanks to Trevor and the Chatham Daily News for helping to tell the story.