Crowdfunding Starts Today, June 11, 2024
Support this project so we can complete filming for Dresden 1957 this summer
We're excited to announce that our crowdfunding campaign Is now live! You can support this project at
Our fundraising goal is $78,000, which will allow us to complete filming this summer, but if we are lucky enough to beat that target, we'll have a head-start on postproduction in the fall.
Why crowdfunding?
The documentary market is challenging right now and finding funding through traditional avenues, like broadcast pre-sales etc. is difficult, even for established filmmakers.
But raising our own funds has significant advantages, too. Broadcast presales or production deals come with strings attached - and for good reason: people who invest in a film need to make sure they will get a return. By raising more of our money on our own, we have more control over how we develop this story. That's especially important for this project, since we are continually finding new information. We need maximum flexibility to be able to tell the best story possible.
What I love about crowdfunding
But the best thing about crowdfunding, isn't the money: it's you and me. It has been humbling to see how much this story matters to people. It's like this story wants to be told and people are continually coming forward to help in all kinds of ways.
Making a film is an enormous undertaking. I could never do this alone, and, fortunately, I don't have to. Crowdfunding makes this our film; something we are creating together. And, while no one can undo the pain that this tragedy caused, we can do something beautiful together that acknowledges that loss and honours everyone who was impacted.
Help us make this film! Visit
Thank you